
Web authorization management (WAM) is the process of giving or limiting access to specific web resources based on the user’s privileges in a system. As an element of web access management, WAM is responsible for determining what authenticated users can do on a web platform or application.

How Does Web Authorization Management Work?

After the WAM validates the user, the system examines the permissions linked to that user. The authorizations are predetermined and define what the user may or may not do. For instance, a user may be permitted to read data from a database but not edit it. Other users may have the right to alter the same information. The particulars of what a user may do vary depending on their role, the security needs of the web resource, and the enterprise’s policies.

These permissions are commonly controlled through a system of attribute-based access control, access control lists, or role-based access control. The option chosen varies with the organization’s requirements and the complexity of the authorization needed.

Web Authorization Management Application 

  1. Role-based access: The most popular method organizations use to manage access is by permitting access to various resources depending on the employee’s job responsibilities.
  2. Multi-tenant systems: In systems that serve multiple users, web authorization management helps to ensure every client can only access their own information.
  3. E-commerce and online services: Online services use WAM to ensure only paying clients access specific resources.