Proactive VPN Encryption and Protection Explained

VPN encryption is a complex process since it implements well-tested advanced mathematics procedures. Keep reading to understand how ExtremeVPN ensures your data and communications safety.

Proactive VPN Encryption and Protection Explained

How Reliable is the Encryption of ExtremeVPN?

ExtremeVPN not only just hides your IP address from other users but also encrypts the traffic between your computer and secure VPN servers. This restricts third-party organizations from accessing your data.

Our VPN uses the AES-256 protocol – an Advanced Encryption Standard with 256-bit keys. This encryption standard is famous in the US, and many security professionals use it to protect their classified data.

256-bit keys refer to a possible combination of 1.1 x 10^77 or 2^256, which are ​089,115,​195,​237,​316,792,​423,​985,​570,​008,​907,​687,​853,984,269,​665,​560,​640,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000 combinations! It means a brutal attack on 256-bit keyspace is virtually impossible, even if you can run the world’s strongest computers forever, for thousands of millions of years.

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How Reliable is ExtremeVPN Encryption

A Guide to Our High-end VPN Protocols

ExtremeVPN utilizes a number of VPN protocols to provide safe and secure encryption between your PC and the VPN servers. We allow users to switch between these protocols easily. However, a much better approach is to select the default setting, which automatically adjusts the most suitable protocol for your speed and security.

Besides providing some basic set of protocols, such as IKEv2 and OpenVPN, ExtremeVPN offers Wireguard which surpasses others in terms of speed, security, and reliability. It provides a more secure, more faster VPN experience.

A Guide to Our High-end VPN Protocols

What is VPN Tunneling and Encryption?

HMAC Verification

HMAC stands for Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code. This code prevents hackers from making amendments to the data while streaming. OpenVPN and TLS rely on hashes for data authentication.

HMAC Verification

Encryption of Control Channels

Cipher AES-256-GCM is popular worldwide for its systematic encryption standards. ExtremeVPN uses it to ensure the privacy and integrity of encrypted data, even on low-powered hardware. The 256 explains that each encrypted block has a fixed size of 256 bits. GCM (Galois/Counter Mode) offers to encrypt multiple pieces of information simultaneously, ensuring that your connection never drops for a single minute.

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Encryption of Control Channels

Encryption of Data Channels

Data channel encryption hides your information from parties that can access it. ExtremeVPN applies a symmetric technique called elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) for selecting a special type of key. This key is used for encryption and decryption, protecting the data for the entire session. ExtremeVPN servers and your VPN app limit access only to authorized people.

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Data Encryption

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you trust ExtremeVPN? Up
ExtremeVPN is a privacy-focused company, and we worked hard to gain the loyalty of our customers and the industry. Moreover, we collaborated with the Center for Democracy and Technology to design standards that allow VPN services to showcase they’re safe.
How to know that ExtremeVPN is secure? Up
Security is the primary offering of ExtremeVPN. Apart from providing a higher level of security in our app, we keep validating our security claims from independent auditors. This helps the users to know that our services are trustworthy.
Is ExtremeVPN legal and safe? Up
Yes, our VPN offers an additional layer of security, mainly for public Wi-Fi networks. Hence, it gives safe access to all networks. Also, VPNs are available worldwide, and many companies and individuals use them to protect sensitive information. Even if some countries don’t support them, many governments quietly accept and encourage their use by businesses, academics, and officials. It’s quite impossible for a country to ban all VPNs.
Can hackers breach your data on ExtremeVPN? Up
ExtremeVPN values your security and takes all steps essential for the privacy of your data. We never collect users’ information, and our proprietary TrustedServer technology removes the data from servers with every reboot. Hence, our VPN protects you against hacking, such as man-in-the-middle attacks and packet sniffing.
Is ExtremeVPN really private? Up
Our VPN significantly increases privacy by masking your current IP address and giving you a new one, making it even hard for attackers to trace you. Also, we don’t retain the online browsing history of our users. Even if a law asks us for a user’s data, we can’t provide it as we don’t have it.
Does ExtremeVPN sell information? Up
No! As ExtremeVPN is a privacy-oriented platform, it never saves or stores users’ data. Plus, it never allows third parties to trace a particular network or activity. Ultimately, there is no information available to sell.