ExtremeVPN provides a variety of features designed to meet your specific VPN requirements. Whether you seek customization or enhanced privacy and security, ExtremeVPN has the solution for you.
Curious about the best server choice?
Our recommended server will connect you automatically to a country/server chosen by our smart algorithm, which considers geographical distance. Learn more about the workings of ExtremeVPN’s smart algorithms.
To connect with the recommended location/server, please follow the steps provided: 👇
Looking to connect to a specific location? ExtremeVPN has got you covered. We provide over 6,500 VPN servers in 70+ countries across 88+ locations. With us, you can effortlessly connect to your desired destination.
You can use this feature in the ExtremeVPN app to discover various cities in a country. Need help to select one? Just follow the instructions below. 👇
Are you tired of scrolling up and down to find a location? Do you want an easier way to sort the locations? Follow the steps given below 👇
Finding it tough to determine which torrent servers to use? These actions will simplify your life. Filter out countries that support P2P by following the steps below:👇
Our most recent Windows app update provided a Shortcut option for customers to access their favorite streaming applications.
Excited? 😉
Follow the steps below 👇, to get started with this feature:
Don’t worry if you cannot find your preferred website in the list! You may also make your own shortcuts.
Do you want to know how? Follow the instructions below: 👇
Are you enjoying ExtremeVPN? To improve your VPN connection experience, ExtremeVPN allows users to mark any location as their favorite, making it easier for users to choose locations.
You may be wondering how? Follow the steps below 👇
Here’s a quick way to set up a dedicated IP address:
Searching for a DDoS protection connection? Follow the steps below 👇
Your opinions are important to us. You may share your thoughts with us by giving us a direct rating on the ExtremeVPN.
How would you rate your VPN experience? Follow the steps below. 👇
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