ExtremeVPN PPTP Configuration on TotoLink Router

June 27, 2023
June 27, 2023
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ExtremeVPN PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunnelling Protocol) is one of the fastest protocols available, making it the best choice for gaming, watching online content, or browsing. Configuring this ExtremeVPN protocol on your router assures you of a fast internet connection on all devices connected to the router. Also, you have the advantage of enjoying security and privacy whenever you connect to the internet.

TotoLink supports a PPTP connection; fortunately, the steps involved are straightforward. Follow this guide to figure out how to make this connection on your TotoLink router.

Things to Consider

Before you start the configuration process, ensure you have the following;

  1. A stable internet connection
  2. A VPN-supported router
  3. A premium ExtremeVPN account (if you are not subscribed to one yet, you can click here to buy)

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