
A call stack is an essential mechanism in computer science because it allows PCs to manage their activities while still running a software package.

It is similar to a checklist or a structured list. With a call stack, a PC can monitor its current location within the program and determine the next step. After completing every step, the computer adds a new activity to the stack and advances to the next one until the task is complete. This highly efficient method ensures the PC follows the steps and maintains things systematically.

How Does a Call Stack Operate?

  1. When a PC launches an app or a software program, it develops an empty stack.
  2. As the software runs, it encounters functions and commands to execute. Every time it encounters one, it sums them to the top of the call stack.
  3. After completion, the command is removed from the top of the call stack.
  4. Afterwards, the PC moves to the subsequent command of the stack and repeats the procedure.
  5. The call stack monitors the software program’s location and determines its next steps, ensuring proper operation.
  6. Upon the end of the program, the call stack resets to empty again.