
A macro virus is a malicious program that spreads through contaminated macro-enabled files such as those found in Excel and MS Word. The malware infects your device by executing a harmful code, which compromises private data.

Examples of Macros Virus

Preventing Macro Viruses

How a Macro Virus Works and Spreads

Macro virus spreads through phishing emails that contain malicious links and files. As users share the infected files, the malware infiltrates the victim’s device after clicking on the link or downloading the attachment.

Other Ways Macro Viruses May Spread:

What Can Macro Viruses Do?

Macro viruses can do the following:

Evolution of Macro Viruses

Due to their robust macro languages, macro viruses initially focused on infecting Word and Excel documents, primarily targeting the Windows operating system. Over time, macro viruses expanded to affect various applications, files, and operating systems.

They became cross-platform, capable of infecting both Windows and Mac computers using the same code.

In 2017, MacDownloader emerged as the first Word macro virus for macOS. MacDownloader allowed hackers to exploit malicious macros in Word documents to install malware on Mac systems. The malware aimed to steal sensitive user data, including browser history logs, webcam files, passwords, and encryption keys.

Macros Virus Symptoms

A macro virus can manifest itself through: